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Virtual Talk: The Colder the Water, the Warmer the Friendships: Swimming Down the Season with Cold Tits, Warm Hearts

What is about this cold water swimming? We are taught to fear the cold water; the danger and the discomfort. And yet, there seems to be a trend going on where people are willingly submerging themselves in 33-degree water and come out smiling. There is something about facing this fear, settling into the discomfort, and spending time in the water that makes people feel good, joyful even! Cold Tits, Warm Hearts (CTWH), is a cold water swimming group on MDI. In the winter of 2019, four friends who were inexplicably drawn to the cold water, started trying to get in it. Seeking out others of their kind, the group has grown to around 40 people who cold water swim in different locations all over the island.  Join members of CTWH for a discussion on the experience of cold water swimming. Are you curious what it’s like to willfully walk into the frozen ocean and spend time there in nothing but a bathing suit? And why are they laughing while they do it? They will discuss this, how to prepare for the stress, and other tips for comfort we have learned along the way. They will also be sharing images of art and photographs that have been created out of this experience. There is something about participating in what some would call a “crazy” activity, that has grown organically into this strong, supportive community that thrives on joy, creativity, and a powerful love of cold water and each other.